Enlightening and provocative, C.S Lewis’ “The Great Divorce asks the question, “what would you choose over heaven?”. 

In 2016, Artist Reformation and Calvary: the Hill collaborated with 7 filmmakers to create vignettes from the storyline of C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce. Each vignette was complemented with a sermon at Calvary: the Hill.

See The Pieces

Filled with fable and allegory, we find each persona; “The Moralist”, “The Addict”, “The Self-loving Mother”, and others reveal ultimately what is most valuable to them.

The Great Divorce

The Moralist

"If they choose to let in a bloody murderer all because he makes a poor mouth at the last moment, that's their look out. But I don't see myself going in the same boat as you, see? Why should I? I don't want charity. I'm a decent man and if I had my rights I'd have been here long ago and you can tell them I said so."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Intellectual

"Of course I should require some assurances.... I should want a guarantee that you are taking me to a place where I shall find a wider sphere of usefulness and scope for the talents that God has given me, and an atmosphere of free inquiry, in short, all that one means by civilization and - er... the spiritual life."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Artist

"Let me go! Damn it all, one has one's duty to the future of Art. I must go back to my friends. I must write an article. There must be a manifesto. We must start a periodical. We must have publicity. Let me go. This is beyond a joke!"
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Controlling Wife

"I'll make them a fair offer. I will not meet him if it means just meeting him and no more. But if I'm given a free hand I'll take charge of him again. I will take up my burden once more. But I must have a free hand. With all the time one would have here, I believe I could still make something of him. Somewhere quiet to ourselves."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Self-Loving Mother

"Give me my boy. Do you hear? I didn't care about all your rules and regulations. I don't believe in a God who keeps mother and son apart. I believe in a God of love. No one had a right to come between me and my son. Not even God. Tell Him that to His face. I want my boy, and I mean to have him. He is mine, do you understand? Mine, mine, mine, forever and ever."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Addict

"Kill it? Honestly, I don't think there's the slightest necessity for that. I'm sure I shall be able to keep it in order now. I think the gradual process would be far better than killing it."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019
The Great Divorce

The Victim

"Abd this is my reward. Very well. It is fortunate that you give yourself no concern about my fate. Otherwise, you might be sorry afterward to think that you had driven me back to Hell. What? Do you think I'd stay now? Thank you. I believe I'm fairly quick at recognizing where I'm not wanted."
Pastor Shahn
June 9, 2019